Friday, March 4, 2011

Going Primal!!!!

The queen of dieting here... coming to you live. So I have been genetically skinny most of my life. As I approached 40 I decided to have another baby (38, respectively). I did not balloon up, I only gained about 28 lbs. and within 3-4 months after birth I was back down to my fighting weight plus about 2-3 lbs. No biggy, I'm cool with that. I was a little squishier, understandably. Over a 2-3 year period, I slowly gained weight.. so slowly I didn't notice it was happening. BOOM! I was up to the weight I was when I delivered my second child and I was not fucking pregnant!!!!! My husbands band is now becoming the next big thing and I am all of a sudden at a lot of shows, being the good wife, wearing whatever I could to camouflage the huge ass tire around my belly, my expanding arms and my ass the size of Texas. Empire waist tunics became my best friend along with a size 32 jean that I was about to bust out of, but refused to buy anything bigger. Depression set in, and my nightly glass of wine, turned into a bottle, turned into almost 2 per night. 5-10 more lbs. later I had enough. I know my husband would love me if I weighed 300 lbs, but he was getting concerned. I was not happy with myself, he knew that. It is not healthy to be overweight. I was not healthy.

Atkins, Zone, Hampton, South Beach.. you name it, I tried it. Even signed up for Jenny. I bought every US, Star, whatever magazine in the grocery line that featured the latest star and how skinny she has become in less than a month and how she did it. I bought every pill, fat burner, water pill, appetite suppressant, even delved into laxatives. Sometimes mixing all of the above. Lost a few lbs. here and there, gained it back... yada yada yada.

Then I stumbled upon a book called "Eat to Live" . It became my bible. I started to see a few lbs. fall off. But still drinking WAY to much. I finally quit drinking for 2 months.. cold turkey. 15 lb.s gone.. poof! So I wandered around for the last 2 years drinking again, but much less, and 1/2 ass following the instruction of my Eat to Live bible. I cannot recite what he says about eating pasta and grains right now because I cannot find the book, but I have cut out white flour and have gone totally multigrain over the last year thinking I was finally not dieting, but eating the way a person should eat. Cut all the fat out of my diet, except the good fat.. avocados, nuts, good oils. But very little of that stuff. So I am about 10 lbs. now away from my fighting weight and back into a 4... but I do not look good. I'm skinny fat!!!! So enter exercise. It's making me a bit more toned in my legs and arms, but there is still loosey goosey stuff in places there shouldn't be and cellulite GALORE!! How did I get cellulite on my thighs???? Eeeeeew!

So I was at work about 2 weeks ago and my friend/co-worker/manager was reading a book one night when we were dead at work and sitting around. I asked her what she was reading and 2 hours later I felt like I had met my muse. She so eloquently recited what she has read so far in this book and was so enthusiastic that I was like... I'll start reading it soon, just tell me what you are doing day to day because I wanna start NOW!. She has lost 15 lbs in about 3 weeks, has energy like you wouldn't believe and her hair and skin are glowing like a 5 year old.

She has 2 books. Good Calories Bad Calories and The Primal Blueprint. GCBC is a very scientific look at what 100's of authors, scientist, etc have said over the last .. say 100-400 years. Gary Taubes is an incredible science journalist offering you the facts. The Primal Blueprint is written by Mark Sisson. It is Taubes work in layman terms. Mark also has a website, FILLED with brilliant information and facts.

These books are not diet books. They basically lay it out for you scientifically. You make your own decision.

I have been eating primal now for 10 days-ish. I have lost 9 lbs. The kicker is.. (maybe TMI) .. but mother nature visited today and instead of gaining my usual 5-8 lbs pre-preiod, I lost 9. I am not fat and am not obsessed with being skinny any longer. I am obsessed with being healthy. Body fat = disease. Being fat doesn't mean you are unhealthy and being skinny does not mean you are healthy. So take it upon yourself to do your due diligence, consult with your doctor if you have issues and damnit... READ THESE 2 BOOKS!!!

Yes, primal man only lived a short life, but it was not b/c of his diet. Only 17% of primal man died of illness and it was predominantly due to common injuries and illnesses that we now can cure quickly with antibiotics. Remember those were not around then?? The remaining deaths were due to other circumstances / accidents. They were barefoot and they were in shape and they were resourceful. I can't help but think that this is the way God intended.

Good luck to you!


1 comment:

  1. Very cool journey, MT. Ironically, I lost a lot of weight going vegetarian years ago, but have found that - now that I'm in my 40's - I am interested in something more like this approach. I'm in a boot camp right now (FitWit) that talks about Paleo approaches to eating, which essentially eliminates or reduces all the enriched flour and sugar we consume. God, I must look like a flake being the only dude in the grocery store each week reading the boxes' ingredients to see if they have High Fructose Corn Syrup, etc. But it matters to me. It makes a difference.

    And, in keeping with this approach, I also purchased some Vibram running shoes, which are as Paleo as you can get for exercise without being barefoot. Experimenting with pure barefoot running as well, but it has to be the right surfaces & conditions.

    So, I guess I'm flirting with going primal too. Would love to share stories along the journey. Good for you for finding something that works and that you are so impassioned about.

    My blog about wellness (physical, spiritual, and creative) is - come join in if you like.

    Rock on, Primal Sister!
